Thursday, January 19, 2012

Research Project: Cardboard Chair

   Reflection: This is the link i mostly liked becaused they tell you everything from sketch to how to make it. This link has instructions. It has what materials you need in order to do the cardboard chair. The link explains from step by step what it's needed to be done. It tells you the measurements and how much weight the chair can take. It has many pictures to help you while constructing the chair. It has many examples. This link has exactly what you need to make the chair. I will recommend this link to the students.
  Reflection: I love this link because it has many examples. It shows you how to decorate the chair also. It is basically more for children but the are still strong and very creative. This link has the measurements. It has the instructions. It has extra details and  links you can visit to see more information about the chair. I like that it has kids there which makes it look more fun and funny. The link is basically for parents to show their kids but it is still a good link to see. I recommend this link. Students should watch this because its an easier and funner way to learn.
  Reflection: This link shows you made awesome chairs. They are more professional. It shows many chairs that are very nice looking but harder to make. They are stronger and bigger compare to the link above. To make one of this chairs I believe you need more time that the time given here because they are more hard to make. Students should really look at this link because you can make a chair for school but pretty for your home. I would really love to make one from this link. I just don't like that the link don't give you instructions. The link only shows you various pictures of cardboard chairs for art.  I could still make it but its harder.



1. Cardboard Box
2. Yard stick
3. Utility Knife

1. Open the cardboard box so it lays flat, then measure it. You want the box to be at least 45 inches wide and 60 inches high.
  • 2. Place the cardboard in front of you in a vertical layout. Use the bottom edge of the flattened box as the bottom side of a rectangle that is 45 inches long and 15 inches high. Draw the rectangle, then draw dividing lines inside it at 15-inch intervals to make three 15-inch squares. 
    3. Extend the lines up from the middle square in Step 2 an additional 45 inches. Divide it into three 15-inch squares. Finish by drawing a horizontal line at the top of the third square. You should have a T-shaped drawing, made of a total of six 15-inch squares.
    4. Cut out the T-shape and turn it so it looks like an upside down T. Fold back the two squares that "cross" the T until they touch each other behind, forming a triangle. Rotate the cardboard so the triangle sits on the ground. This is the base of your chair.
    5. Fold down the cardboard that now sticks straight up, so it sits on the triangle and is parallel with the ground. The square sitting on top of the triangle is the seat. Fold the last two squares at a 90-degree angle, so they stick straight up.
    6. Press the top square down so that it forms a double-thick chair back. Use whatever means you like to secure the fold. What was once a cardboard box is now a chair. Have a seat.

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